Results of Staffing Action

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

NEU is pleased to announce the results of its staffing action for the developmental service officer position in the Iqaluit office.

Joe Sageatook was the successful applicant for the position. He joins our staff after having being an NEU/PSAC member for over 16 years. As a union member he served on Local 007’s executive board for 4 years, three of which were as the Local President. In addition he was a member of the QEC negotiating team for two collective agreements. Fluent in both English and Inuktitut he is a valuable asset to the team.

Joe has been assigned the following GN departments: CGS; Culture and Heritage; Finance; Environment; ED&T and the Nunavut Housing Corporation. He is also responsible for the non-GN units in the Kivalliq region.

Welcome aboard Joe!

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