Filing A Grievance

The right to file a grievance is one of a Union member's most basic rights. A grievance is a complaint in writing, presented in accordance with your Collective Agreement. Grievances may arise for many different reasons where an employee feels they were negatively affected by an employer. Reasons could include but are not limited to violations of workplace contract terms or policies, being treated unfairly at work, discrimination and/or harassment. Individuals and groups can file grievances. 

If a member feels that they have been aggrieved (not treated fairly) or that there has been a violation of the Collective Agreement, they should, if at all possible, attempt to resolve the issue through discussions with management. If it is not possible to discuss the issue with management and/or if attempts to resolve the issue do not meet the member's satisfaction then a grievance should be filed immediately.

Your Collective Agreement (CA) outlines the strict timeframes for the filing of grievances. Your Union representative/shop steward, can assist you in preparing your grievance, and can present it to management. If you are unaware of whom your union representative/ shop steward is, contact the NEU office for assistance.

Your Collective Agreement outlines the grievance process:

  • establishes the number of steps (levels) that a grievance will be heard, beyond the oral, informal, discussion with the supervisor

  • sets the time limits for submitting and replying to the grievance at each level.

  • requires the employer to inform the employees which manager is authorized to make a decision at each level of the grievance process. The employer must post this information on the employee's union worksite bulletin board.

If you have a worksite problem, remember this rule: Obey first, grieve later. In other words, continue to do your job but proceed to file your grievance as soon as possible so that your rights are protected. Make sure you ask for a copy of your Collective Agreement. Read it and know your rights. If you see or feel that your rights have been violated, contact your Union Representative/Shop Steward or the NEU Office immediately!

Your Union representative/Shop Steward will require the following minimum information in order to process and defend your grievance:

  1. Your name, contact information (address; telephone number(s) and email address

  2. The name of your employer and your work location

  3. The nature of the complaint

  4. Dates and times of the incident

  5. The name(s) and contact information of any witness(es)

PSAC (NEU) Grievance From (fillable)

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  • Iqaluit Head Office

    100-165 Nipisa Street

    Iqaluit NU X0A 2H0


    phone: 867.979.4209

    fax: 867.979.4522

    toll free: 877.243.4424