Saturday, January 10, 2015
- March 15, 2013 – call went out from the NEU President for proposals for the next round of negotiations and nominations for delegates to the collective bargaining conference
- June 25-27, 2013 – NEU – QEC Collective Bargaining Conference held in Iqaluit, over 50 proposals were considered for the Union package and the election of our negotiating team. To see the communique click here
- The Union negotiating team elected: Lisa Kirk, Andre` Otokiak, & Darren Penney. The Alternates elected in order were: Brian Lockwood, Adam KIlukishak & Joatamie J. Qillaq.
- September 18, 2013 – The Union sent the Notice to Bargain to the Minister Responsible for the Public Service Act for a new collective agreement
- October 1, 2013 – The Minister Responsible for the Public Service Act responded to the Union’s Notice to bargain
- October 22, 2013 - – The Union sent the Notice to Bargain to the Minister Responsible for the Public Service Act for a new Essential Services Agreement
- November 12, 2013 - The Minister Responsible for the Public Service Act responded to the Union’s Notice to bargain for a new Essential Services Agreement
- January 22-24, 2014 – the Union and the Employer met for its first round of negotiations. Only housekeeping proposals were considered.
- To see the Qulliq Energy Corporation Package click here
- To see the Nunavut Employees Union package click here
- March 6-7, 2014 - the Union and the Employer met for its second round of negotiations. The Employer held to all of their concessions and tabled a 4 year collective agreement with a 1% increase in pay per year telling the Union they had no more money
- March 14, 2014- The Union filed for mediation
- To see list of Outstanding Items click here
- December 9-12, 2014 – Mediation was held in Iqaluit with Colin Taylor as mediator… deal was reached.
More details to follow