Greetings Members,
This is a notice that the Online Voting polls has been opened and that if you have gotten your notice in the mail please go to the website that is on the notice and cast in your vote for the members in the Kitikmeot Region you will be voting for the Regional Vice President for your Region,
The nominees for the Kitikmeot Regional Vice President;
· Corey Dimitruk
· Linda Hunter
For the members in Local 005, which is all GN Employees except for Pond Inlet, Clyde River, Conservation Officers, QEC, and Social Workers, the nominees for delegates to the Nunavut Employees Union Convention are;
· Jason Rochon
· Hanna Wolff
· Noel Collins
· Theresa Koonoo
· Ranbir Handil
· Elijah Eaernerk
· Asensth Kunnutuaq
· Daniel Calamayan
· Leesa Sowdluapik
· Naja Fennell
Please find your notice and cast in your votes and if you have any questions please refer to the informaiton on the elections at .