NOTICE for Local 018 Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nunavut Employees Union

NOTICE of Annual General Meeting for

NEU Local 018

MAY 15th 2014 @ 5:00 p.m.

Siniktarvik Hotel


Support your NEU Local by participating in the democratic election of your next Local executive.


At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) elections will be held for the New Executive board members for the 2014 year. The Executive positions open for election are as follows:


Vice President


Chief Shop Steward

Members at Large

To be elected to a local officer position, a local member must be a signed member of PSAC/NEU who is in good standing.  They must have both a nominator and a seconder that are also members in good standing. Nominations may be submitted in writing prior to the meeting (email nominations are acceptable) to or nominations can be made during the meeting.

Local 018 covers, all GN employees in Rankin Inlet (except Conservation Officers, nurses, Social Workers and QEC members).


Additional agenda items include:


·        update from the NEU executive

·        Question and answer period from the members


Refreshments will be served for those attending the meeting in person.

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    Iqaluit NU X0A 2H0


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