AGM for Local 008

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Local 008, which represents all NEU members in Clyde River, with the exception of conservation officers, nurses and QEC, held their annual general meeting on Thursday, June 6th 2013 at the Community Hall.

A new executive board was elected at that time. They are as follows:

President:                       Moe Kuluguqtuq                                                                     867 924-6342 (w) 867 (h)

Vice-President:              Inutiq Iqaqrialu      867 924-6464 (w) 867 924-6005 (h)

Secretary-Treasurer:   Angela Killiktee                     867 924-6220 (w) 867 924-6573 (h)

C Shop Steward:            Tommy Palluq                                                                        867 769-6160 (w) 867 769-6167 (h)

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