Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Local 015 – all NEU members in Taloyoak & Kugluktuk, with the exception of Conservation Officers & QEC members:
President: Shawna Sungnaruk ShawnaKootook@hotmail.com 867 (w) 867 561-5656 (h)
Vice-President: Lena Pauloosie lenapauloosie@hotmail.com 867 561-2306 (w) 867 561-5772 (h)
Secretary-Treasurer: Martha Quqqiaq mquqqiaq@gov.nu.ca 867 561-5111 (w) 867 561-6776 (h)
C Shop Steward: Rayleen Swansen RDSwansen@gmail.com 867 982-4531 (w) 867 982-4531 (h)