Update for Members Working for the City of Iqaluit (Local 006)

Friday, September 8, 2017

On September 7th at the Frobisher Inn in Iqaluit, the NEU and PSAC heard Member concerns and fears regarding the current status of the Collective Bargaining with the City of Iqaluit.

The NEU has approached negotiations with the City of Iqaluit in good faith, attempting to strike a fair balance between what our Members have worked for and the economic concerns expressed by the City. 

Our recently signed Collective Agreement with Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) has shown how good faith and a positive approach by both sides of the negotiating table can lead to a fair and balanced agreement .

We will continue to bargain in good faith with the City of Iqaluit on behalf of City employees. If negotiations with the City fail to move forward through the Conciliation Process, the NEU is prepared to voice the concerns of our Members in a more public manner 

Please check here and our Facebook page starting Monday for updates on the status of the City of Iqaluit Bargaining process.

If you are an NEU Member who works for the City, the NEU is asking you to share your personal email with us as another way of keeping you up-to-date on any all developments. Please email communications@neu.ca and include your full name along with the personal/home email you would like us to use.

Thank you
Communications at NEU


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  • Iqaluit Head Office

    Building #165, Nipisa Street

    PO Box 869

    Iqaluit NU X0A 0H0

    email: reception@neu.ca

    phone: 867.979.4209

    fax: 867.979.4522

    toll free: 877.243.4424

