Registration open: 2023 PSAC National Health and Safety Conference

Monday, September 12, 2022

PSAC's 2023 National Health and Safety Conference will be held in person January 27-29 in Montreal with the theme “Shaping the future of work: building safer, more inclusive workplaces”. 

At the conference, delegates will have the opportunity to build on PSAC’s important work protecting our members’ health and safety and improving working conditions in workplaces across the country. 

Delegates will plan the work of our union in the years ahead, debate resolutions and participate in workshops and focus groups.


PSAC members interested in attending this conference as delegates or observers must apply by October 7, 2022 at 5 p.m. EDT.

Delegates are selected by their respective components and regions, with priority given to union leaders and activists working on health and safety issues. Delegates selected will be advised by email by November 28, 2021. 

You have until Friday, October 7, 2022 at 5 p.m. EDT to apply or submit a resolution: 

Submit a resolution

Apply to be a delegate or observer

If you have any questions about applying or attending the conference, call (613) 560-5457 or contact us by email at

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