A Message to NEU GN Department of Education Members

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Government of Nunavut (GN) announced in their latest Department of Education COVID-19 related release that “all schools in Nunavut will be closed to students for the rest of the 2019-20 school year. This closure is supported by the Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO). Because students have already missed over a month of class time, it is even more important that all school staff report to work on April 21, 2020.”

The NEU publicly supported the initial closing of schools and recently called for schools to remain closed in a Nunavut News article.

With the above-mentioned announcement now in place, NEU Department of Education Members should report to work as directed by their supervisors. The NEU is here  to answer any specific questions or concerns about returning to work or any issues that arise in the workplace.

In the April 17th Nunavut News article I said that the GN had (so far)  gone “above and beyond” in accommodating employees. I call on all levels of the GN to ensure that this continues as Department of Education employees return to schools and other workplaces. I also call on the GN to be aware that this is an unprecedented situation and that people are anxious and concerned about their health and the well-being of those immediately around them (including vulnerable Elders living with those returning to work on April 21).

The NEU, despite our offices remaining closed, is here to support our Members (and the GN where possible) with this difficult transition back into workplaces for impacted Members.

We are all in this together and together we will get through this.

In Solidarity, William (Bill) Fennell President Nunavut Employees Union

Working for those that make Nunavut Work


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