Fires in Iqaluit on November 8 - Thanks and Concerns

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The NEU would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and praise to all the firefighters, City of Iqaluit and GN workers as well as all other First Responders for their heroic efforts in battling the North Mart blaze as well as all the other fires that occurred overnight last night. 

We also encourage all residents of Iqaluit to consider their fellow residents while food shopping over the next few days as retailers plan their contingencies for any potential concerns over food shortages. Not all residents of this city are blessed with the ability to buy food and other essential supplies on any given day and may have to wait until their next pay cheque to ‘stock up’. 

The NEU would also like to extend their thoughts and well-wishes to anyone who may have been injured in their efforts fighting these unfortunate and concerning fires.

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    Iqaluit NU X0A 2H0


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