The December 2019 NEU Newsletter

Thursday, December 19, 2019
The NEU Newsletter is your Newsletter. If you are not receiving it via email (to a personal email) or a posting notification (to a work email)* then please contact to ensure we have up-to-date contact information on file for you.  We are always looking for content suggestions and feedback from our Members regarding anything and everything we do - and this is especially true for the newsletter. So if you have any ideas or comments regarding the new NEU Newsletter,  please contact our Communications Officer at the email above. Click here for previous issues of the NEU Newsletter.
*As of December 2019, due to a major internet/email issue experienced by the Government of Nunavut (GN), we are not sending information to any GN emails. This will be the case until the GN informs us that all emails and systems are running as per prior to the major incident. So, it is important because of situations like this that we have (where possible) Members' home/personal emails.
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  • Iqaluit Head Office

    100-165 Nipisa Street

    Iqaluit NU X0A 2H0


    phone: 867.979.4209

    fax: 867.979.4522

    toll free: 877.243.4424