Wednesday, July 19, 2017
After a number of bargaining sessions with the City of Iqaluit last year, your bargaining team concluded in June 2016 that we had reached an impasse with the employer. The Union has filed for conciliation and will be heading back to the table during the week of September 10.
It is our hope that we will be able to reach a new Collective Agreement with the help of a Federal Conciliation Officer.
Our intention in these negotiations has always been to negotiate good-faith, reasonable improvements in the Collective Agreement - including realistic economic increases that recognize the ever-growing costs of living in Canada’s most expensive city.
Unfortunately, the employer has not been interested in addressing our concerns, instead demanding only concessions and clawbacks of benefits that we already have.
Members of NEU/PSAC who work for the City of Iqaluit provide valuable public services for one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. We recognize that our city faces challenges, but do not believe these problems can or should be resolved by clawbacks that cost city workers the benefits they have earned.
This is our community too!
Once again, we are asking you to stand tall with us by supporting your bargaining team when we come back to the table in September. We will need your support to fight those clawbacks and reach an agreement that respects city workers – and helps build our community!
For more information, please contact your bargaining team members.
In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Team
Sue Avery
Bob Brouillet
Kyle Nowlan
Tracey Oram, NEU
Daniel Kinsella, PSAC