Local 003 - Annual General Meeting June 18, 2018 in Iqaluit

Thursday, May 17, 2018
The Local 003 (Medical Professionals working for the Government of Nunavut) Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday June 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm (EST) at the Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) Head Office Board Room in Iqaluit.
The NEU Head Office is located in Building 165 beside the Arctic Ventures store and across from the (new) CBC Building.
Local 003 Members who cannot attend in person are invited to call-in* to this important meeting.
Support your NEU Local by participating in the democratic election of your next (2018) Local Executives. Executive Positions open for election are:
  • President;
  • Vice-President;
  • Secretary/Treasurer; and
  • Chief Shop Steward
To be elected to a Local Officer position, a Local Member must be a Full Member in good standing. The Member must have both a Nominator and a Seconder who are also Full Members in good standing. If you do not have (or have not applied for) a NEU Membership Card, please contact reception@neu.ca prior to the meeting so that you can participate in the election process.
Nominations may be submitted in writing prior to the meeting (email nominations are also acceptable). Please email brian@neu.ca with your nomination(s) or to get a nomination form. Nominations can also be made during the meeting. 
*For the toll free call-in number and access code please email communications@neu.ca or call 867.979.4209 (in Iqaluit) or 877.243.4424 toll free from elsewhere in Nunavut. If possible, please include or have your PSAC Number (located on your NEU Membership Card) handy when you contact the NEU for the call-in information.
The PDF 'poster' below contains the same information as above.
  • logo
  • Iqaluit Head Office

    100-165 Nipisa Street

    Iqaluit NU X0A 2H0

    email: reception@neu.ca

    phone: 867.979.4209

    fax: 867.979.4522

    toll free: 877.243.4424