Your Input is Needed - Government of Nunavut Collective Bargaining

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Pursuant to the Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) Regulation Eight (8), the NEU Executive is announcing a call for proposals that could be used for the development of a new Government of Nunavut Collective Agreement after the current one expires on September 30, 2018.

Any Government of Nunavut NEU Member can submit a proposal to by January 19, 2018 or by fax to 867.979.4522.  All submitted proposals must be approved by the Local that the Member belongs to before they can be considered at the Collective Bargaining Conference.

As well, each Local will elect a delegate(s) and an alternate(s) to attend a Collective Bargaining Conference later in 2018.  Any Member interested in attending this Collective Bargaining Conference must submit a nomination form to by January 19, 2018.  All nomination forms will be forwarded to the Locals who will elect their delegates.

The Delegate Nomination Forms is available below.  Please email for a Proposal Form.

The NEU is your union and we need your input and representation as part of  the GN Collective Bargaining Process.




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    Iqaluit NU X0A 2H0


    phone: 867.979.4209

    fax: 867.979.4522

    toll free: 877.243.4424