Bargaining Update - Local 007 (QEC Employees)

Thursday, July 6, 2017
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 5, 2017 – Iqaluit, NU – – A tentative agreement was reached between the Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) and Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) on behalf of more than 160 unionized employees who work to provide electricity to customers throughout Nunavut.
“The NEU is pleased to have reached a fair and equitable tentative agreement with QEC that was the result of good faith bargaining based on a mutual respect for the concerns of both sides,” said Bill Fennell, President of the NEU. “We have now started the process of putting the tentative agreement before our Members for a ratification vote. We feel that this agreement fairly addresses the concerns expressed by our Members while keeping in mind the reality of the employer’s needs.” 
The ratification process is expected to be completed during the third week of August. This timeline will allow impacted NEU Members to vote on the Memorandum of Settlement which was unanimously recommended for acceptance by both the NEU and QEC.
“This is an important step forward for QEC, and I would like to commend the negotiating teams for their diligence in reaching a mutually beneficial tentative agreement,” said Minister Johnny Mike, Minister responsible for QEC.
If accepted by NEU Members during the ratification process, the agreement would remain in effect until December 31, 2020.
 “I am pleased that the NEU and QEC quickly reached a tentative agreement. Full credit goes to both bargaining teams for their hard work and dedication,” said Minister Keith Peterson, Minister responsible for the Public Service Act.
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About the Nunavut Employees Union
The Nunavut Employees Union (NEU), a component of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), represents more than 4,200 workers working for Nunavut and the diverse communities that make up the Territory. The NEU formally came into existence in 1998 just before the official birth of the great Territory of Nunavut in 1999. Its roots in working for those that make Nunavut work dates back well before that as does Nunavut’s true history. For more information, visit
About QEC 
Following Nunavut’s division from the Northwest Territories, the Nunavut Power Corporation took up the mandate to supply electricity to communities in the territory of Nunavut on April 1, 2001. Renamed Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) in 2003, this territorial corporation is wholly owned by the Government of Nunavut, and operates at arm’s length from the government, reporting to the territorial Minister responsible for QEC. The Corporation is the only generator and distributor of electrical energy in Nunavut. For more information, visit
For media inquiries please contact:
James Kaylor 
Communications Officer
The Nunavut Employees Union 
Telephone: 867.979.4209 Ext. 204
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